1. Bronze is a metal alloy and is used for making statues, medals, machine parts, tools, etc. It is the mixture of
(A) Zinc and copper
(B) Iron and lead
(C) Copper and tin
(D) Nickel and chromium
2. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 2015 was awarded to studies of DNA repair”. for “mechanistic
(A) Tomas Lindahl
(B) Paul L. Modrich
(C) Aziz Sancar
(D) All of these
3. Which of these are lines on a map joining those places which have the same atmospheric pressure for a specified period of time?
(A) Isotherms
(B) Isotopes
(C) Isobars
(D) None of these
4. He was an Italian scientist who discovered the principle of the pendulum. He observed the movement of the lamp hanging from the ceiling and noticed that its oscillatory movement was constant. Who was he?
(A) Isaac Newton
(B)Galileo Galilei
(C) Albert Einstein
(D) Max Planck
5. Trimix is a breathing gas, consisting of three gases and is often used in deep commercial diving. These three gases are
(A) Hydrogen, Oxygen and Helium
(B) Carbon dioxide, Nitrogen and Oxygen
(C) Oxygen, Helium and Nitrogen
D) Chlorine, Argon and Oxygen
6. Which of the following was the first search engine in internet?
(B)Archie Query Form
(D) Ask
Answer Key
1. B
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. C
6. B