1. Carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere because of human activities. By which of the following ways we can reduce the carbon footprint?
(A) By keeping an electrical device on standby mode when not in use
(B) Print on single side of paper instead of writing
(C) Use of CFLs in daytime and bulbs in night to study
(D) Use of public transport or carpool wherever and whenever we can
2. According to the recent studies, a natural disaster in 2010 had completely shut down the Amazon Basin’s carbon sink by killing trees and slowing their growth. This results in decrease in carbon absorption by Amazon forests. Name the disaster.
(A) Forest fire
(B) Flood
(C) Drought
(D) None of these
3. Which among the following is the world’s largest active volcano?
(A) Kilauea
(B) Mauna Loa
(C) Mauna Kea
(D) Kohala
4. Among the five volcanoes stated in the passage, which is one of the most productive volcanoes present on Hawaiian Island?
(A) Mauna Kea
(B) Mauna Loa
(C) Kilauea
(D) Hualalai
5. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
(A) Antarctica is the world’s coldest and iciest region.
(B) Mammoth Cave National Park is the longest cave system on Earth with a stretch of 640 km underneath a limestone ridge.
(C) Great Barrier Reef is the world’s second largest living structure that can be seen even from the Moon.
(D) Both (A) and (B)
6. There was a highly devastating human caused environmental disaster in 1989 in Alaska causing death of seabirds, sea otters and many more. What kind of disaster was it?
(A) Oil spill disaster
(B) Nuclear disaster
(C) Agricultural disaster
(D) Industrial disaster
Answer Key
1. D
2. C
3. B
4. C
5. C
6. A